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FINAL DAY for 10% off Gen Con Special!

Posted on July 27 2024


Hello fellow True Dungeon fans!

Today is the FINAL DAY for the 10% off Gen Con Special! Everything on the site is 10% off until 11:59PM EDT on July 27, 2024!

If you would like Gen Con delivery, please order by Sunday, July 28th at the latest. If you're charged shipping and want Gen Con delivery, I'll refund your shipping. Leave a note during checkout or email me if you want Gen Con shipping.

Any orders that come in after July 28th will be shipped when I get back from Gen Con.


For the True Dungeon veterans you know that each year at Gen Con we have an unofficial gathering of TD token fans and token traders on Wednesday, and we'll be doing the same thing this year. If this is the first you're hearing about this, now you know!

On Wednesday (07/31/24) from around 12:00pm - 6:30pm we'll all be at the Georgia Street entrance to the Convention Center (200 S. Capital Ave.) There's a spot with a bunch of tables (see above image) where we all gather to mingle and trade tokens! You can click here to see the entrance on Google Maps.

There's usually lots of people trading tokens, hanging out, playing games, etc., until about 6:30pm before many of the group head over to the GT run. I hope to see you there! 


If you've been in the market for a 2024 Golden Ticket, here's your chance! Click here to check out the BIG SALE!
I hope to see you all at Gen Con soon!





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