Posted on October 31 2020
2021 PYPs are Sold Out. Thank you everyone for placing so many orders!
Hello everyone!
I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of you during these crazy times for your continued support. It has been very much appreciated! And I hope you and yours are safe and well. All is well on this end, luckily my real life job is computer nerdom so I can easily work from home.
But for more exciting news, by now I'm sure you've heard that it's time to buy 2021 PYPs!
If you're not familiar with a PYP, it's your chance to preorder any 2021 (or 2020) Ultra Rare token of your choice at a lower price before they're delivered from True Dungeon. The tokens should arrive at the end of January or beginning of February 2021.
Once the 2021 Ultra Rares are delivered, the prices will go up!
In addition to choosing 2021 Ultra Rare tokens, you can also choose 2020 Ultra Rares before they go out of print.
Have you checked out yet? It's a free website created by my buddy David and me for you, the True Dungeon community. The primary goal of the site is to help keep track of your tokens, but there are numerous features planned for the future too.
Please visit and give us your feedback and tell us what you'd like to see added in the future!
I hope you have fun figuring out which 2021 Ultra Rares to choose and enjoy keeping track of your collection at True Dungeon Tokens. In case you're curious, I've collected 6,260 or 96.35% of the recognized tokens (I might have a problem...LOL). Check out your Profile on the site to see how many you've collected!
And as always, feel free to email me with any questions or comments.
And as always, feel free to email me with any questions or comments.