Trent Tokens
Autumn Runestone - 2009 (Gold)
On a successful hit with a melee weapon, the wielder deals an additional 1 damage as Sonic.
Runestones are single use items that are turned in to the coach prior to starting an adventure. The effects will be added to your overall stats. One runestone may be used per adventure. However, up to two additional Rare runestones can be attached to one weapon (or one runestone each on two different weapons) if the player possesses a Runestone Fitting Base (one per additional runestone) and presents it at the beginning of the adventure with the additional rare runestone(s) of choice. Attaching the Rare runestone still requires the player to turn in the Rare runestone token, but the Runestone Fitting Base token is not turned in.
Text On Token: +1 sonic damage w. melee weapons (1 use, redeem at start)
Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing