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Trent Tokens

Potion Re-Pete Healing - 2021 (Gold)


We currently have 37 in stock.

Drinker heals a total of 8 HP: 4 HP immediately upon drinking this potion and another 4 at the beginning of the drinker's next turn. The 2nd half of the healing requires no action on the part of the consumer, but the character must still be alive for the healing to go into effect.

Q1) How does this interact with items that boost healing (e.g. Girdle of Wealful Health, Master Ale Drinker's Gloves, Lotus Blossom Bowls)
A1) The bonus healing applies when the potion is consumed, the second round of healing is unaffected.

Text On Token: Immediately heal 1 person 4 pts of damage (then heal 4 pts next rd w/no action required)

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