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Trent Tokens

Bead of Celecia - 2025 (Gold)


We currently have 7 in stock.

Once per game as an Instant Action, the player may use either one of their own unused Special Powers or one of their own unused Spells without marking it off their character card. The player chooses when to invoke this item’s power. This item’s ability may be used with anything listed in the Spells or Special Powers section on the character card, as long as that Power/Spell has a checkbox that has not already been marked off. If the Power/Spell has already been marked off, this bead cannot be used on that Power/Spell. However, if the Power/Spell has more than one checkbox and at least one of those checkboxes is unmarked, this bead can be used invoke that Power/Spell for free.

The Power/Spell used for free via this bead is not “cast as a scroll” and may be modified.

Other than allowing the wearer to use the Power/Spell for free, invoking this bead’s power does not in any way alter or restrict the Power/Spell itself. The act of invoking this bead’s ability is an Instant Action, but the Power/Spell used for free still requires whatever kind of Action it normally requires. E.g., if an elf wizard uses this bead to cast fireball for free, the act of casting fireball still requires a Standard Action. If the elf wizard has an item that allows them to cast fireball as a Free Action, activating this bead does not change that.

This bead’s power cannot grant an ally the ability to use a Power/Spell for free–it can only affect one of the wearer’s Powers/Spells. That said, assuming the Power/Spell that was used for free can target someone or something else, they may do so. E.g., a druid with this bead equipped could use it to cast cure moderate wounds (without marking it off) on an ally because the bead allows the druid’s own Spell to be cast for free. The target of the free Spell/Power is irrelevant.

Lay on Hands (paladin): If a paladin wants to use this bead’s power to use lay on hands for free, they may do so. However, this “free” use of lay on hands cannot be used piecemeal. The paladin must use their entire compliment of healing (either 12 or 15 points) on a single target–they cannot divvy up the healing among multiple recipients. As long as at least one of the lay on hands checkboxes is unmarked, it doesn’t matter how many points of lay on hands had been used previously. E.g., if the paladin had used 5 points (and has five tick boxes marked off on their character card), they would still have 5 marked off after using this bead’s power and would get to use the full amount of healing (probably 12 or 15) on the target. (This mechanic is similar to the way lay on hands interacts with restore power.)

Restore Power/Restore Spell (cleric): If equipped by a cleric, this bead may be used on themself to get a free use of either restore power or restore spell–not both–if the checkbox has not already been marked off. However, it doesn’t change the fact that restore power/restore spell must be used on an ally. Even though a cleric can target themself with this bead’s ability, a cleric cannot target themself with restore power/restore spell.

Text On Token: Use 1 Power or Spell w/o marking box off class card

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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