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Trent Tokens

Earcuff of the Cabal - 2025 (Gold)


We currently have 11 in stock.

When the wearer attacks with a Mystic Staff or casts a scroll, they get bonus damage/healing depending on how many Earcuffs of the Cabal are worn in the party, as seen below:

EotC in Party
Total Bonus
+3 points
+4 points
+5 points

E.g., if the bard, cleric, and druid are all wearing Earcuff of the Cabal, each damage-inflicting scroll they cast deals +4 damage, each healing scroll they cast heals +4 HP, and each shot they take with a Mystic Staff deals +4 damage.

This item cannot affect Mystic Staves/scrolls (MS/S) that neither heal nor deal damage expressed as an integer. E.g., Scroll Gripping Sands would not be affected.

If a MS/S heals/damages and has an additional non-healing/non-damaging effect, the healing/damage effect gains the +X bonus, but the additional effect does not.

Earcuff of the Cabal does not change the number of targets the MS/S can affect.

This item does not affect Damage Reduction. E.g., it has no effect on Scroll Fire Absorption.

If a MS/S bestows Retribution Damage, the RD gets boosted by +X. E.g., if Scroll Tinkerer Shield were cast by an Earcuff of the Cabal wearer, instead of 8 points of Shock RD the target of the scroll gains 11-13 points of Shock RD.

This item is part of the Cabal Set.
When at least three Cabal items are worn, wearers gain the ability to cast two spells from their character card in one round. (Both spells are marked off the player’s card.) The second spell is cast as a Free Action. Unlike the Bracelets of the Zephyr ability, either or both spells cast in this manner are capable of being modified or duplicated because neither is “cast as a scroll”. This ability is usable once per room.

  • Bracelets of the Cabal
  • Charm of the Cabal
  • Earcuff of the Cabal
  • Gloves of the Cabal

This set bonus does not bestow the ability to cast Spells to classes that don’t already have the ability to cast Spells from their character card. (sorry monks)

Text On Token: Scrolls & Mystic Staves get bonus damage/healing per # of EotC in party:
1-2 = +3
3-4 = +4
5+ = +5

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