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Trent Tokens

Shirt of Modest Luck - 2025 (Light Blue)


We currently have 3 in stock.

Adds +3 to all saving throws

The wearer of this shirt may only equip/use/activate Common, Uncommon, Enhanced, Rare, Exalted, or Ultra Rare items. This restriction includes but is not limited to weapons and slotless items. It doesn’t matter who the target of the effect is, the wearer may not equip/use/activate the item unless the token is Common, Uncommon, Enhanced, Rare, Exalted, or Ultra Rare.

This does not prevent another person (who is not wearing a Shirt of Humble Luck) from using non-Common, non-Uncommon, non-Enhanced, non-Rare, non-Exalted, or non-Ultra Rare items on you. E.g., if you die while wearing this shirt, an ally could resurrect you with a Sacred Necklace. However, the reverse is not true.

This Transmuted token required all of these items to construct:

  • Shirt of Humble Luck
  • 5× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment

Last Day to Transmute: December 1, 2026

Text On Token: + 3 to saves but may not equip Relic or higher rarity tokens

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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