Trent Tokens
Darkwood Plank - Yearless (Brown)
Exchanged for 25 units of any Gear or miscellaneous item
In general, if a token does not fit in any of the other Trade categories and is eligible for exchange, it goes in the Darkwood Plank category.
Some Trade Tokens require 25 “units” of tokens to make one Trade Token. These 25 units are determined by the following equivalencies:
- Rare = 6 units
- Uncommon = 3 units
- Common = 1 unit
For example:
25 Common tokens makes 25 units
8 Uncommon tokens + 1 Common token makes 25 units
2 Rare tokens + 3 Uncommon tokens + 4 Common tokens make 25 units
For more information about Trade Tokens, please visit http://truedungeon.com/trade-token-redemption
Text on Token: Trade Item
Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing