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Trent Tokens

+1 Morningstar of Smiting - 2010 (Gold)


We currently have 2 in stock.

This weapon is permanently imbued with a smiting spell. This means that when used in combat, a critical hit can be scored if the player slides a natural 19 or 20. This weapon is not subject to further effect from Oil of Smiting spell or any other crit-enhancing magic.

Note: Scoring a natural 20 is an automatic hit, but a natural 19 may not necessarily hit–even if the 19 is within the critical range of the weapon.

This Combo token required all of these items to construct:

  • 3× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Scroll Ray of Enfeeblement
  • 1× Scroll Soundburst

Text On Token: Criticals on 19-20

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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