Trent Tokens
CURSED Mirror of Pride - 2022 (Gold)
If this token is received as treasure, you become cursed. For as long as you are under this curse, you become compelled to constantly view yourself in this mirror. Consequently, you must always equip this item in your melee offhand slot.
Monks and rangers are not immune to this curse, but they will not attack with the mirror out of fear of marring its reflective surface. While under the effects of this curse, monks and rangers attacking in melee may only slide one weapon puck.
It is possible to suffer the effects of more than one curse at the same time. E.g., if you pulled this token and a CURSED Simian Claws of Wishing, you would be under the effects of both curses. However, if you pull the same cursed token more than once, the effects of the duplicated curse do not stack.
Text On Token: Must equip in melee off-hand Melee slot
Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing