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Ring of Psychic Mastery - 2024 (Blue) - C98

$70.00 $95.00

We currently have 1 in stock.

Note: This is a Consignment Token (hence the C98), which means a True Dungeon adventurer is selling it through Trent Tokens. But as with all Trent Tokens products, once you've made your purchase, you'll receive a tracking number and your token will be promptly mailed to you!

Imbues the wearer with Psychic Power and gives access to Tier 7 powers. This item does not stack with other +Psychic Tier items.

Q: Can I equip both Skull of Cavadar and Ring of Psychic Mastery?
A: Yes. In fact, they have a symbiotic relationship. Any character who has equipped both Skull of Cavadar and Ring of Psychic Mastery can manifest any two Tier 1-7 Psychic Powers per game.

Q: Does equipping both Skull of Cavadar and Ring of Psychic Mastery allow me to manifest the same power twice?
A: Yes, though not simultaneously and only if the powers are Tier 7 or lower. Psychic Powers require a Free Action to activate and you may only use one Free Action per round.

Q: Then can I manifest ring initiate twice?
A: No. ring initiate is a Tier 8 power. Only Tiers 1-7 can be manifested twice using the aforementioned token combo.

Q: Can I equip Ring of Psychic Mastery and Cavadar teeth?
A: No. Cavadar teeth do not interact with Ring of Psychic Mastery.

Q: Are you deliberately trying to prevent non-Skull of Cavadar owners from being able to manifest ring initiate?
A: Yes. We want to reward the dedicated folks who went to all the trouble of making a Skull of Cavadar to have something unique.

Psychic Power

Players wishing to use a Psychic Power must unlock their character’s Psychic Potential by equipping a token that imbues Psychic Power before the start of their adventure. The coach notes on the party card when a character has Psychic Potential. Each player–not the coach–then adds up the number of Teeth of Cavadar (ToC) tokens they have equipped. During the adventure, the player may choose to activate one of the Psychic Powers below, so long as they have enough unique ToC equipped to qualify for that Power’s tier. Without any ToC equipped, only cell repair may be used. Think of the imbuing tokens as keys that unlock the door to psychic abilities and the ToC as fuel that expand one’s mind after it’s opened.

A Psychic Power can only affect the individual who manifests it.

No more than one Psychic Power be used per person per adventure, unless you also equip a token that expressly allows you to use more than one power per game. Equipping more ToC (or other “psychic fuel” tokens) does not grant additional manifestations of powers, it grants access to a higher power tier. E.g., if you have three unique ToC equipped, you have access up to the tier 3 power so you could manifest ESP, or control mass, or adjust mass, or cell repair; not all four, not three, not two.

Tier Power Description Duration
0 Cell Repair Heal 4 HP (once) instant*
1 Adjust Mass Walk on water as if it were solid ground full room*
2 Control Mass Greatly slow your fall(s) for no damage full room
3 ESP If the DM announces you’re Surprised, this retroactively negates it. Inform the DM you’re using this power. full room
4 Planar Vision Ignore the 50% miss chance when attacking incorporeal targets full room*
5 Mind Shield Negate the effects of a failed Will saving throw (once) instant
6 Energy Adjustment Negate 5 points of Cold, Fire, Shock, or Sonic damage (once) instant
7 Energy Control Negate 10 points of Cold, Fire, Shock, or Sonic damage (once) instant
8 Ring Initiate Swap in a new ring inside the dungeon** instant*

*Requires a Free Action to activate.
**Only available if Skull of Cavadar is equipped. See Skull of Cavadar for details.

This Transmuted token required all of these items to construct:

  • Bead of the Third Eye
  • Bracelets of Psychic Power
  • Charm of Psychic Power
  • Crown of Psychic Power
  • Ioun Stone Scapolite Prism
  • Pendant of Psychic Power
  • Ring of Psychic Power
  • Shirt of Psychic Power
  • 2× Alchemist’s Ink
  • 2× Alchemist’s Parchment
  • 2× Aragonite
  • 2× Darkwood Plank
  • 2× Dwarven Steel
  • 2× Elven Bismuth
  • 2× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 2× Minotaur Hide
  • 2× Mystic Silk
  • 2× Oil of Enchantment
  • 2× Philosopher’s Stone
  • 2× 1,000 GP Gold Bar (not 2k in “loose change”)

Last Day to Transmute: December 1, 2025

Text On Token: Grants Tier 7 Psychic Ability (does not stack with +Tier items)

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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