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Figurine of Power: Reaver - 2020 (Gold) - C131


We currently have 2 in stock.

Note: This is a Consignment Token (hence the C131), which means a True Dungeon adventurer is selling it through Trent Tokens. But as with all Trent Tokens products, once you've made your purchase, you'll receive a tracking number and your token will be promptly mailed to you!

Once per game, the owner of this item may inflict 10 points of Darkrift damage on a single target. There is no saving throw to mitigate the damage, but if the target has resistance/immunity to Darkrift, that resistance/immunity would apply.

Note: Energy-draining undead (vampire, lich, etc.) are immune to Darkrift energy, but other undead take normal damage from it.

This item’s effect can only be activated once per adventure. Like all figurines, this item can be activated instantly, without requiring any kind of Action–Free or Standard.

Text On Token: Deals 10 pts of Darkrift damage to 1 target (1/game)

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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