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Trent Tokens

Potion Moon Wine - 2024 (Gold)


We currently have 10 in stock.

Heals 3 points of damage and removes the Poisoned condition. It does not restore HP lost due to Poison damage, but will stop continuous Poison-based damage that was in effect when the potion was consumed. It does not inoculate the drinker against further Poisoning.

Poison can deal HP damage (though not always), but if you fail a saving throw for Poison, under certain conditions, there may be repercussions. Simply taking Poison damage won’t trigger this condition. It must be the result of a special attack that causes this condition and you must fail the save. The details depend on your party’s chosen difficulty level, but the effects last for the rest of the game–not just the room–until a cure can be found.

If you fail a Poison save:

  • Non-lethal, Normal & Hardcore: All healing and regeneration affecting your character suffers a -2 penalty per effect until your Poisoned condition is removed. E.g., a character who would otherwise regenerate 4 HP when entering a new room would only regenerate 2 HP if they entered a room while Poisoned. If a healer casts a 10 point heal on a Poisoned character, that character only heals 8 HP.
  • Nightmare & Epic: You cannot benefit from any healing or regeneration until your Poisoned condition is removed.

Text On Token: Heals 3 pts of damage to 1 person and removes Poisoned condition

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