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Trent Tokens

Safehold III and Follower Steward Set (6 Tokens)

$1,295.95 $1,495.95

We currently have 1 in stock.

This is a Safehold III and Follower Steward Set! You will receive a total of 6 tokens, 1 x Safehold III and 5 x Follower Steward.

Safehold III:

Gain the benefits of a Safehold III.

See for details on how Safeholds work.

When you transmute a Safehold III, you also get five Follower Steward tokens.

This token became transmutable in October 2024.

This Transmuted token requires all of these items to construct:

  • Safehold III (Under Construction)
  • 10,000 GP in Reserve Bars

Timing Note:
Orders for all tiers of Safehold (not the “Under Construction” variety) tokens can only be created during “even” months of the year. (February, April, June, August, October, December)

Text On Token: Bestows Safehold III owner benefits

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing


Follower Steward:

Used in the creation of Follower tokens

See for details on how Followers work.

Text On Token: Safehold III
use to create Follower tokens

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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