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Trent Tokens

Shiver Quiver - 2024 (Platinum)


We currently have 5 in stock.

Ammunition* the wearer uses deals +2 damage as Cold.

This item’s bonus is only applicable when an ammunition token is used. Attacks where the person firing the missile is using the “default ammo” that all bows, crossbows, slings, etc. use, no benefit is gained from this token.

This item occupies the back slot.

Even if you are able to equip more than one quiver, ammunition cannot simultaneously benefit from more than one quiver at a time.

*If the ammunition causes the attack to not deal HP damage (e.g., Sleep Arrow) or if the weapon the ammunition is being fired from inherently does not deal HP damage, this item does not affect that ammunition.

Text On Token: +2 Cold damage to ammunition (back slot)

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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