Trent Tokens
Eldritch Runestone - 2025 (Light Blue)
This token’s effect is different each year. Inquire with your coach at the beginning of the adventure for the current effect.
Runestones are single use items that are turned in to the coach prior to starting an adventure. The effects are added to your overall stats. One runestone may be used per adventure.
Previous benefits granted for turning in this token:
2025 2-Hour Adventures: Thor’s Braid: +1 Bead slot (you’re still subject to the cap of 8 Beads)
2024 Grind: Flame Warden’s Grip: You may ignore class and hand requirements when sliding. E.g., a rogue could slide a Savage Sword or a ranger could dual wield Deathcleavers once they got into the dungeon. However, the party card is still filled out normally and it does not get adjusted to the new stats granted by a new weapon.
In addition, any item(s) you hold in your hand–not items worn on the hand like gloves or rings–are immune to drop and other baneful environmental effects.
2024 2-Hour Adventures: Gain Cloak of Aset: Melee Damage Reduction 3 when you are outdoors in a desert environment. (The “cloak” is just the name of the effect. It’s not a literal cloak and it does not occupy your back slot.)
2023 2-Hour Adventures: Gain Stalker’s Ward:
• Once per game, negate 1 side-effect of Undead Touch Attacks (e.g., Paralysis, Poison, curse, etc.)
• Melee damage inflicted on you by Undead is reduced by 5 points per attack. This is an always-on effect.
2023 Grind: You gain 1 Paragon Point for each Eldritch Runestone you equip. Each PP grants all the following benefits:
• Your Constitution gets raised to the next even number
• You gain +2 Retribution Damage
• Your Retribution Damage can be triggered by any damage, not just melee
2022: Shock damage inflicted upon you is reduced by 5 per attack
2021: 1/game, negate the damage and effects of a physical attack to your character. It may be invoked proactively or retroactively. (more details)
2020 Season 2-Hour Adventures: Immunity to the trap the soul effect
2019-20 Season 2-Hour Adventures: Fire damage inflicted upon you is reduced by 5 per attack
2018-19 Season 2-Hour Adventures: Cold damage inflicted upon you is reduced by 5 per attack
2018-19 Season Grind: Berserker Fury: You may only melee attack as your Standard Action. Player also gets +10 points to split between their melee hit and melee damage stats.
2017-18 Season 2-Hour Adventures: You may equip one extra ioun stone
2017-18 Season Grind: Once per game, you may either recast one of your spells or reuse one of your class abilities/powers
2016 Grind: +20 to max HP
2016 2-Hour Adventures: +2 to all saving throws
2015 Grind: Use any single token, ignoring normal class restrictions
2015 Dungeons: Gain the Dark Gnome sub-type: +1 STR & +2 CON
2014 Who’s Your Con Grind: Once during the Grind, you could allow the re-slide of a combat slider. This could have been used on your slide, or another party member’s.
2014 Flight of the Zephyr: Gain 100% immunity to Shock damage
2014 Into the Viper’s Pit: Gain 100% immunity to Poison damage
2013 Dungeon: Effect varied by adventure:
• Golembane: Character gained +3 retribution damage as Shock.
• Lycans Afoot: Character became immune to Surprise and Disease.
2013 Grind: Character sprouted an extra arm, thus:
• Character could equip an extra ring
• Character got an extra hand and could hold an extra offhand item
2012: Immunity to Dark-Stain. (Dark-Stained characters cannot be healed.)
This Transmuted token required all of these items to construct:
- Surtr Runestone
- Valkyrie Runestone
- 1× Alchemist’s Ink
- 1× Alchemist’s Parchment
- 1× Darkwood Plank
- 1× Dwarven Steel
- 1× Enchanter’s Munition
- 1× Minotaur Hide
- 1× Mystic Silk
- 1× Philosopher’s Stone
- 1,000 GP Gold Bar
Last Day to Transmute using the recipe shown above: December 1, 2026
The 2012 version of this token required all of the items listed below to construct. However, the recipe shown below is no longer valid and may not be used to construct the 2025 version. It’s included here only for historical purposes. The last day to use this recipe was December 1, 2013.
- 1× Eldritch Dust
- 1× Spirit Runestone
- 1× Shirt of Spiritward
1× Sun Runestone
plus ONLY ONE of the following: - 1× Lich Finger
- 1× Rust Monster Antenna
- the equivalent of 250 GP in gold, gems, and/or treasure
Text On Token: Special effect each year
(1 use, redeem at start)
Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing