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Mage Medallion - 2021 (Blue) - C26


We currently have 14 in stock.

Note: This is a Consignment Token (hence the C26), which means a True Dungeon adventurer is selling it through Trent Tokens. But as with all Trent Tokens products, once you've made your purchase, you'll receive a tracking number and your token will be promptly mailed to you!

In addition to all the powers granted by Mad Evoker's Charm (double the base damage +skill check of a Spell and suffer 25 points of Eldritch damage- see the description of Mad Evoker's Charm for details), once per round Mage Medallion allows a wizard to modify a cast Spell (excluding any scrolls or "as a scroll" effects) with one or more of the Mage Power (MP) effects listed below.

Wizards can only use a specific MP once per room, but they can use up to four different MPs in a room. The four selected MPs can be used on one to four Spells. A wizard could use four MPs on a single Spell, two MPs on two Spells, or any combination of one through four MPs on one through four Spells the caster desires. No more than one Spell per round can be modified in this manner. Mage Power modifications may, if desired, be used on a Spell whose damage was doubled by the Mad Evoker's Charm (MEC) effect.

The use of any MP effect(s) requires the wizard to expend their Free Action for that round but, modifying a single Spell with more than one MP only requires a single Free Action.

Each MP used requires the wizard to sacrifice 5 HP (in addition to the 25 HP sacrifice required by the MEC effect- if the wearer also chooses to invoke the MEC effect) before casting the modified Spell. This sacrifice is an Instant Action. E.g., using three MPs on one Spell requires a single 15 HP sacrifice. Wizards may not die from MP usage as they currently must have at least one more hit point than the total hit points lost to the MP(s) used on a Spell. The HP sacrifice is a cost that must be paid before the modified Spell is cast. Wizards able to cast more than one Spell in a round may only use MP(s) on one of those Spells. However, they could use the MEC ability on one Spell and an MP on a different Spell.

Mage Powers:
Alter: Allows the caster to change the damage type of any Spell to Cold, Fire, or Shock. E.g., a fireball Spell could be made to deal Cold damage instead of Fire damage.

Fork: Causes a single target damage Spell to affect one additional target. Both targets are dealt the same damage, including all* bonus damage modifiers the initial target was subjected to. This MP may only be used on Spells which cause HP damage. If a Spell causes HP damage and has a secondary, non-HP damage inflicting effect, the Spell cannot be forked. E.g., if there were a Spell dealt 20 Cold damage and caused the character to be Stunned, that Spell could not be forked.
*If the first target has a special vulnerability that the second target does not, the extra damage from that vulnerability is not passed on to the second target. E.g., if the first target is an Ice Elemental and the second target is an Earth Elemental, if the wizard forks scorching ray, the Ice Elemental's +5 damage from Fire does not get passed on to the Earth Elemental.

Intensify: If a monster has Spell Resistance, an intensified Spell reduces the target's Spell Resistance to 25%, but only for the intensified Spell. This power does not affect any other Spells cast by the wizard nor other characters' Spells.
Note: Intensify reduces the target's existing SR to 25%, not by 25%. Using this MP on a target with SR of 25% or less does nothing and would be a waste.

Quicken: Allows the modified Spell to be cast as an Instant Action- but only during the wizard's turn. When quicken is used, the wearer mentally channels the casting of the spell through the medallion. The result of this channeling allows the medallion to cast the Spell by proxy and as an Instant Action. The Spell still gets marked off the player's class card, but since the medallion is doing the work of casting, the wearer's hands are free to do other things (e.g., cast another Spell as a Standard Action, make a weapon attack, drink a potion, etc.) Spells cast in this manner are not "cast as a scroll" and may be modified.

Sharpen: The Spell modified by this MP can crit on a natural "18-20". It may only be used on a Spell that requires a to hit slide. This power must be announced before the player performs the affected Spell's attack slide.

Q1) Can Horn of the Valkyrie be used to mitigate the HP sacrifice for Arch-Mage or Mage Powers?
A1) No.

This Transmuted token had two non-mix&matchable options to construct.

Recipe #1

  • Mad Evoker's Charm (2021 version)
  • 10x Alchemist's Ink
  • 15x Alchemist's Parchment
  • 2x Aragonite
  • 20x Darkwood Plank
  • 5x Dwarven Steel
  • 1x Elven Bismuth
  • 2x Enchanter's Munition
  • 1x Golden Fleece
  • 10x Minotaur Hide
  • 20x Mystic Silk
  • 1x Oil of Enchantment
  • 25x Philosopher's Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars

Recipe #2*

  • Mad Evoker's Charm (2014 version)
  • 10x Alchemist's Ink
  • 15x Alchemist's Parchment
  • 1x Aragonite
  • 20x Darkwood Plank
  • 5x Dwarven Steel
  • 1x Elven Bismuth
  • 1x Enchanter's Munition
  • 1x Golden Fleece
  • 10x Minotaur Hide
  • 15x Mystic Silk
  • 1x Oil of Enchantment
  • 25x Philosopher's Stone
  • 4,000 GP in Reserve Bars

*The option to use the 2014 Mad Evoker's Charm in the reduced-cost recipe for Mage Medallion (aka, recipe #2) is in lieu of receiving a 10x Treasure Chips token as part of the exchange.

Last Day to Transmute either recipe: December 1, 2022

Text On Token: As MEC & may use up to 4 different Mage Powers in room.

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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