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Trent Tokens

Druegar's Death Die - 2023 (Gold)


We currently have 3 in stock.

If the owner of this item dies while in combat, that character’s player may immediately (the same round) roll a d20. Consult the table below to determine the exact effect:

d20 Result
character is still dead*
character is raised with 1 HP
character is raised with full HP

*A result of 1–10 does not prevent the character from being raised by other means.

The magical effect (made with the d20 roll) of this item can only be used once per game, whether the character was raised or not. However, its use is optional. The roll may be saved for a later death if desired.

A character may only benefit from this token once per adventure, even if the player has more than one of these tokens.

Druegar’s Death Die only benefits its owner. Its effect cannot be used on a comrade.

This item’s restorative power is not modified by magic items which increase the effectiveness of heals. E.g., if the die-user has Girdle of Wealful Health equipped and rolls a 13, the die-user returns to life with 1 HP, not 2.

Note: This item does not function out of combat.

Text On Token: At combat death, roll d20 to raise dead self
1-10: not raised
11-19: 1 hp
20: full hp
(1 roll/game)

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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