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Greater Gloves of the Gladiator - 2024 (Blue) - C82

$120.00 $140.00

We currently have 1 in stock.

Note: This is a Consignment Token (hence the C82), which means a True Dungeon adventurer is selling it through Trent Tokens. But as with all Trent Tokens products, once you've made your purchase, you'll receive a tracking number and your token will be promptly mailed to you!

While attacking with a two-handed weapon, that weapon deals +6 damage.

If you’re not sure if these gloves are compatible with a damage-dealing item, ask yourself these two questions::

  1. Is the damage-dealing item a weapon?
  2. Does the weapon require two hands to wield?

If the answer to both questions is yes, it’s compatible. The type of damage the two-handed weapon deals is irrelevant.

These gloves do not affect damage from Spells, scrolls, or magic items–even if the wearer is holding a two-handed weapon. E.g., if the wearer is holding a +2 Staff of Power while casting a Spell, these gloves would not increase that Spell’s damage. However, if the wizard were to perform a melee attack with a +2 Staff of Power, these gloves would increase the damage from that attack.

This Transmuted token required all of these items to construct:

  • Gloves of the Gladiator
  • 1× Alchemist’s Ink
  • 1× Alchemist’s Parchment
  • 1× Aragonite
  • 10× Darkwood Plank
  • 10× Dwarven Steel
  • 1× Elven Bismuth
  • 1× Enchanter’s Munition
  • 1× Golden Fleece
  • 10× Minotaur Hide
  • 10× Mystic Silk
  • 1× Oil of Enchantment
  • 10× Philosopher’s Stone
  • 5,000 GP in Reserve Bars

Last Day to Transmute: December 1, 2025

Text On Token: +6 to damage with 2H weapons

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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