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Trent Tokens

Hireling Baker - 2024 (White)

$145.95 $195.95

We currently have 3 in stock.

Once per game, when the baker’s trainee (owner of this token) consumes a healing item (any food or beverage that restores lost HP by entering the digestive system), the trainee heals an additional +5 HP. This token’s power can only be activated while consuming a healing item.

It does not necessarily need to be the first ingested healing item the token’s owner consumes. E.g., if you consume a healing item in the early part of an adventure, you have the option to not activate this token’s power until a later part of the adventure when you consume a different healing item. However, you cannot “bank” the extra healing after activating this token’s power. When you activate this token’s power, if you are at full HP or your current HP is less than 5 below your max, at least some of the bonus healing from this token is going to be wasted.

See for details on how Hirelings work.

Text On Token: +5 to hp healed when you ingest a healing item (1/game)

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