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Trent Tokens

Ioun Stone Opal Prism - 2024 (Gold)


We currently have 7 in stock.

Adds +1 to Focus

Focus: A bonus to polymorph damage, turn undead damage, and most Spells cast from the character card. Focus has no effect on magic emanating from items, scrolls, or Spells cast by the character which neither reduce nor restore HP.
If a Spell or Turn Undead under the influence of a Focus-effect can affect more than one target, the caster gets a total of +X (where X = the total amount of Focus the caster has) points of healing/damage, not +X points per target. The caster chooses the recipient of the extra points and may allocate them as they see fit to an eligible recipient.
Unless specifically noted otherwise, all sources of Focus stack as long as they come from differently named sources.
For each point of Focus a character has:

  • Damage Spells they cast deal +1 Damage.
  • Healing Spells they cast heal +1 HP.
  • While polymorphed, they deal +1 Damage when they physically attack.

Text On Token: +1 to Focus

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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