Safehold V and Hireling Steward Set (6 Tokens) - C66
Note: These are Consignment Tokens (hence the C66), which means a True Dungeon adventurer is selling them through Trent Tokens. But as with all Trent Tokens products, once you've made your purchase, you'll receive a tracking number and your token will be promptly mailed to you!
This is a Safehold V and Hireling Steward Set! You will receive a total of 6 tokens, 1 x Safehold V and 5 x Hireling Steward.
Safehold V:
Gain the benefits of a Safehold V
See truedungeon.com/safehold for details on how Safeholds work.
When you transmute a Safehold V, you also get five Hireling Steward tokens.
This Transmuted token requires all of these items to construct:
- 1× Safehold V (Under Construction)
- 2× 1,000 GP Bar
Timing Note: Orders for all tiers of Safehold (not the “Under Construction” variety) tokens can only be created during “even” months of the year. (February, April, June, August, October, December)
Text On Token: Bestows Safehold V owner benefits
Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing
Hireling Steward:
Used in the creation of Hireling tokens
See truedungeon.com/safehold for details on how Hirelings work.
Text On Token: Safehold V
use to create Hireling tokens
Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing