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Skull of Batterak - 2024 (Brown) - C82

$220.00 $240.00

We currently have 1 in stock.

Note: This is a Consignment Token (hence the C82), which means a True Dungeon adventurer is selling it through Trent Tokens. But as with all Trent Tokens products, once you've made your purchase, you'll receive a tracking number and your token will be promptly mailed to you!

You can see this token in this YouTube video!

This token may be exchanged for five Golden Fleece.

To exchange this token for five Golden Fleece:

  1. Place an order for five Golden Fleece on the Token Exchange Program page.
  2. Instead of sending in 50 monster trophies, send in this one token.
  3. Place one Golden Fleece slip–not five–in the bag with this token.

You don’t need to write any kind of explanatory note, the people who process your transmute know what to do with this token.

Text On Token: Ingredient for making Transmuted items (Turn in for 5 Golden Fleece)

Official True Dungeon Token Database Listing

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